Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Decades ago, artificial intelligence arrived with huge expectations for significant increases in efficiency and productivity. However, despite billions spent on technology, project after project stalled—mainly because challenges with company strategies, technical hurdles, and cultures kept the potential power of AI unrealized.  
Over the last decade, enterprises have migrated en masse to online platforms and cloud providers. This evolution has paved the way for computing capabilities to handle much more data while simultaneously generating troves of new data that these systems can now analyze. 
This migration has laid the foundation for a new generation of automation and analytics—the shift from enterprise AI 1.0 to 2.0. This created the capacity for more sophisticated insights. This includes end-to-end process intelligence powered by focused solutions and machine reasoning that drives exponential gains in operational efficiency and productivity. Enterprise AI 2.0 is overtaking the shallow learning approaches and simple task automation of enterprise AI 1.0.
The organizational shifts underway to embrace these changes from the top down—starting with leaders who understand that future growth is rooted in digital transformation—have driven this transition more than anything. 
Let’s take a look at how companies move toward enterprise AI 2.0.
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