Can everyone help share your experience or comments about any of the LLM available?

Hi @Jin Chong we are using the latest OpenAI ChatGPT 4o for our Community Chatbot that is available in the member portal at This is based on a private and secured implementation of ChatGPT that our internal innovation team at CompTIA has built. The Community Chatbot is designed to allow members to ask natural language questions to find CompTIA Community member benefits to help them. It will also pull in answers and resources directly from OpenAI when appropriate. Would love for members to give it a try and share feedback on it.
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Why you shouldn't call yourself an MSSP. Interest Group call May 14 - ANZ/ASEAN

Today's interest group call was attended by 23 community members and included some great questions from our community which were addressed by Cybersecurity Insurance member SherpaTech, by Andrew Bremner and Tim Stephinson, with legal perspectives in this subject area by Dudley Kneller, Partner at

Although both organisations represent the Australian market, the discussion and scenarios discussed could happen anywhere in the world, and the recommendations you’ll hear in the recording are intended to help guide you in the way you prepare and structure your own Managed Services Agreements with whichever insurance and legal providers you choose to work with.

The recording is available at



  • CompTIA Slides MSP vs MSSP May 14 IG Call.pdf
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  • IG Call MAY 14 2024 Why not to call yourself MSSP Insurance and legal perspectives.pdf
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Introduce yourself here!

Greetings colleagues,

My name is Kingsley Adams, I currently work within the cybersecurity field as a mid-level to senior information system security officer (ISSO). I started my IT career in the military as an IT Specialist. I obtained my Network+ and Security+ shortly after I went to a CISCO boot camp and obtained the CCENT in 2014. I really enjoy speaking and writing about cybersecurity from an analyst point of view. On occasion I fulfill a role as principle advisor between technical teams and senior level executives on matters pertaining to information security, compliance and risk governance.
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Impact of IoT on mobility

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just a buzzword; it's a technological revolution reshaping the fabric of our daily lives in profound ways. IoT's reach is extensive, from agriculture to waste management and smart homes. However, mobility is one of the most impactful areas where IoT is making its mark. By connecting devices and objects to exchange data seamlessly, IoT technology simplifies processes and optimizes management across various sectors, with mobility as a prime beneficiary.

The Impact of IoT on Urban Mobility

IoT is ushering in a new era of efficiency and safety in urban mobility, transforming the transportation experience through enhanced traffic management. The essence of IoT lies in making cities smarter and urban systems more convenient and manageable. This technology touches on numerous aspects of transport and mobility, including urban traffic, public transport, electric vehicle charging, and the management of transport vehicle fleets.

Urban Traffic Transformation

IoT offers several advantages in urban traffic management, such as:
  • Reducing Congestion: By coordinating traffic lights according to vehicle flows, IoT can significantly reduce travel times and alleviate congestion.
  • Enhancing Road Safety: Cameras and sensors deployed to analyze the environment for incidents or potentially dangerous situations can anticipate and prevent collisions, ensuring greater safety for pedestrians and drivers alike.
  • Lowering Environmental Pollution: Real-time data on air quality and pollution levels enable timely decisions to improve environmental standards.
Revolutionizing Public Transport

IoT's role in public transport management is equally transformative, enabling:
  • Efficient Information Sharing: Real-time updates on departure and arrival times improve journey planning and reduce passengers' waiting times.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Connectivity during journeys offers passengers a broader range of leisure activities, improving the overall travel experience.
  • Secure and Fast Transactions: IoT technology facilitates quicker and more secure payment and passenger identification systems across various public transport modes.
Electric Vehicles and IoT

As electric vehicles become more prevalent, IoT connectivity is crucial for:
  • Charging Point Information: Informing users about charging points' locations and managing charging systems.
IoT in Fleet Management

IoT tools support planning and monitoring transport operations, offering:
  • Vehicle Tracking: Enabling real-time tracking of vehicles and interaction with drivers.
  • Performance Reporting: Generating detailed reports on vehicle performance.
  • Route Monitoring: Planning routes based on potential incidents and controlling goods that require specific temperature conditions.

The advancement of technology, particularly IoT, is poised to significantly improve various aspects of mobility, from road traffic and public transport to fleet management. By utilizing detailed information and real-time data, IoT promises a future of more efficient, sustainable, and safer mobility management.

Let's discuss how you see IoT further transforming the mobility sector in the future. Are there any challenges that need to be addressed to fully harness IoT's potential in improving urban mobility?

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America Requires Regulatory Clarity Before Blockchain Bears Its Bounty

In the realm of economic growth and the pursuit of higher living standards, innovation emerges as a pivotal force, driving the creation of wealth through enhanced productivity tools and techniques. Despite its critical role, innovation often finds itself at the center of skepticism, particularly concerning the potential misuse of new technologies and the fear of obsolescence it might bring to existing jobs and lifestyles.

At the heart of regulatory oversight in Washington, a notable trend has emerged where certain regulators appear to capitalize on these fears, casting a shadow over the potential benefits of technological advancements. This perspective overlooks the historical pattern where each technological breakthrough, rather than displacing jobs, has paved the way for creating more and higher-paying employment opportunities. This cycle of progress, fueled by the relentless spirit of entrepreneurs and their innovations, has been instrumental in propelling economic abundance and investment.

A prime example of such innovation is blockchain technology, which has emerged as a cornerstone of the financial technology revolution over the past two decades. Best known for its association with cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is celebrated for its potential to streamline transactions by reducing time, costs, and security risks. However, its future applications extend far beyond cryptocurrencies, promising to revolutionize a broad spectrum of industries—if regulatory hurdles do not stifle its growth prematurely.

Financial sector pioneers' initial adoption of blockchain has inadvertently linked the technology in public discourse primarily with cryptocurrencies, thereby granting U.S. financial regulators the first opportunity to shape the regulatory landscape for crypto companies. This scenario presents a critical learning opportunity.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler's assertive stance in cryptocurrency highlights the regulatory challenges facing this nascent industry. Gensler's characterization of the crypto space as fraught with deceptive practices underscores his belief in the SEC's authority to regulate cryptocurrencies and related platforms. The SEC's aggressive enforcement actions against major crypto companies like Coinbase, Binance, and Ripple reflect a broader regulatory strategy that Gensler defends as necessary in an industry that evolves faster than the legislative process.

This approach raises fundamental questions about the nature of cryptocurrencies and the appropriate regulatory framework. Are these assets securities within the SEC's purview, or do they fall under the jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission? Or perhaps they should be governed by entirely different regulations under another authority?

The debate over how to regulate companies in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space is not just about legal jurisdiction; it's about ensuring that innovation can flourish without being stiffed by regulatory overreach. As we navigate the complex interplay between innovation and regulation, it's crucial to strike a balance that protects consumers and the financial system's integrity while fostering an environment where new technologies can thrive and contribute to economic growth and prosperity.

Let's discuss: How can regulators approach the challenge of overseeing emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies without hindering innovation? What lessons can be learned from the current regulatory approach to cryptocurrencies?

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How AI Adapts To Your Business Needs

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has transitioned from a mere trend to a necessity for companies aiming to remain competitive and relevant. The key to leveraging AI effectively lies not in chasing every available solution but in carefully selecting the ones that align with your strategic goals. When implemented thoughtfully, AI can significantly enhance business operations and outcomes.

Let's delve into a practical example to illustrate the strategic implementation of AI in a business context.

Consider "Midas," a sales company we collaborated with internally, which sought to optimize its process of identifying and prioritizing potential clients. The challenge for any sales organization is not just generating leads but finding high-quality leads that represent true value to the company. This is where AI can make a substantial difference by improving the lead-generation process.

Midas faced three primary challenges:

  1. Leads Quality: Identifying those who truly matched the "ideal customer" profile was daunting amidst a vast pool of potential clients.
  2. Low Engagement: The need to accelerate outreach efforts and enhance engagement with the target audience was evident.
  3. Low Conversion Rates: The ultimate goal was to convert leads into Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), then Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), and finally, into loyal customers.
Understanding these challenges is the first step toward formulating a solution. For Midas, the answer involved employing algorithms and analytics to refine lead quality, boost engagement, and improve conversion rates. While the specifics of the technological solution are complex, the essence of this case study is to demonstrate the tangible value AI can add to a business when there is a clear strategy and defined objectives.

Leveraging AI allows businesses to transform existing data into a strategic asset, facilitating informed decision-making and predictive analysis. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that AI is not a panacea. Success requires accurate data, technological infrastructure, and data science expertise to implement AI solutions effectively.

The Midas case study underscores a common sales challenge and illustrates how a deep understanding of the problem can guide the strategic integration of AI to enhance business operations.

For those beginning to explore the potential of AI in business, here are five personal best practices to help you navigate this journey without feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Start with a Clear Objective: Define what you aim to achieve with AI in your business context.
  2. Identify Key Challenges: Understand the specific problems or inefficiencies AI can help you address.
  3. Select the Right Tools: Choose AI solutions that align with your business goals and challenges.
  4. Invest in Expertise: Ensure you have access to the necessary technological and data science skills, either in-house or through partnerships.
  5. Measure and Iterate: Continuously evaluate the impact of AI on your business and adjust your strategy as needed.
By approaching AI with a strategic mindset and following these best practices, businesses can harness its power to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage.

Let's discuss further! What are your thoughts or experiences with integrating AI into business strategies? Have you encountered similar challenges, and how have you addressed them?

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Empowering Women In Manufacturing In 2024 And Beyond

In the realm of manufacturing, a recent study has shed light on a concerning trend: women are more likely to exit the industry compared to their male counterparts. The reasons are multifaceted, ranging from sexual harassment to witnessing gender disparities in promotions and pay, as well as a lack of female representation in leadership roles. This revelation underscores the need to attract more women to the manufacturing sector and the critical importance of retaining and supporting the women who are already part of it. Doing so fosters a more inclusive environment and serves as a beacon, encouraging more women to join the field.

Here are four actionable strategies that manufacturing leaders can employ to better support and retain their female workforce:

  1. Enhance Compensation and Offer Flexibility: It is fundamental to recognize the contributions of women in manufacturing through fair compensation and bonuses. Additionally, offering flexible work schedules can significantly impact their productivity and job satisfaction, as highlighted by a 2021 Gartner report, in which 43% of workers attributed their increased productivity to flexible schedules.
  2. Prioritize Training and Upskilling: Leadership and management training and mentorship opportunities are pivotal for women's career advancement in manufacturing. Investing in upskilling and introducing new technologies not only aids in their professional growth but also alleviates workplace stress, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce.
  3. Leadership Training for Supervisors: Supervisors are crucial in shaping the work environment. Poor leadership, characterized by a lack of communication skills and empathy, poses a significant challenge. By providing leadership training focused on understanding and addressing the specific needs of women, supervisors can foster a more inclusive and supportive work culture.
  4. Foster Open Communication and Act on Feedback: Creating channels for open communication and regularly soliciting employee feedback are essential to understanding their needs and concerns. More importantly, acting on this feedback, particularly from women, builds trust and demonstrates a genuine commitment to creating a better workplace.
The Future of Women in Manufacturing

As we look ahead, the manufacturing industry stands at a crossroads. By implementing these strategies, we can ensure that women remain a vital part of this sector and thrive and lead. The future of manufacturing should be one where gender inclusivity is not just an aspiration but a reality, paving the way for a more diverse, innovative, and productive industry.

Let's discuss how we can further these initiatives and share insights or success stories from our experiences. How have you or your organization worked to support women in manufacturing, and what impact have you seen?

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