Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to permeate our daily lives by 2025. This could have huge implications on several business sectors, most notably health care, customer service, and logistics. Already, AI is responsible for medical research breakthroughs and climate research, not to mention self-driving cars.
Will robots replace human workers?
The answer to that seems to be divided. According to PEW research, about half (48%) of experts surveyed felt that robots and digital agents will displace a significant number of blue- and white-collar jobs. Their concern is that this will increase income inequality and create a mass of virtually unemployable people. The other half (52%) expect robotics and AI to create more jobs than they take. This latter half believes that while AI will replace humans, these experts have faith in human ingenuity to create new jobs, industries, and new ways of making a living – much like at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
Of interest in the PEW study, both groups are concerned that our educational institutions are not adequately preparing people for the job market of tomorrow.
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